viernes, 17 de enero de 2025

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2024

Barbie Dolls Feats

Barbie has hundreds of dolls with specific descriptions, many times they only explain the doll's clothes and accessories, but they also explain something about the character.

miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2024

La canción de Alicia - Transalation of Instagram Band and Flavio Post (all questions solved)

Hello: to understand the context you first have to know the case of Alicia's song:

to summarize: first a video made by Flavio aka Jitomate Triste (a member of the band) was uploaded in the Facebook group "indie 505", after years the band and the song was discovered by Jmike and then the members did a live on Instagram

This is a translation of the Instagram live that Bad Influence, the band of Alicia's song, did.

martes, 14 de mayo de 2024

Outerversal Barbie

The reason why I make this post is because Barbie is the most underrated character in the versus community, also, among other things, this post is a criticism of the hypocrisy of a part of the versus community and its childish way of behaving. Every time I mentioned an opinion they respond with dislikes and insults, for people like this, the dislikes on YouTube were removed, a round of applause.

Barbie Movies Feats

In this movie Barbie tells the story of Nutcracker (Barbie as Clara) the most amazing feat here is the locket that will send her back home when she opens it.

Also in Partenia she is Sugarplum Princess, so she can break spells, although this work is a dream within a story.

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2022

Parte 2: la paradoja del zurdo con iPhone y como no entender el socialismo

De nuevo, este post tendrá humor pero salten al ultimo párrafo si no quieren leer, vean los enunciados que les importen.

Explico porque el zurdo con iph0ne no es hipócrita y desmiento a los usuarios de este espacio que piensan así.

Tori-bot’s Real Name Discovered By Derek Padula on Jan 22, 2016

What’s this robot called? You probably think it’s the Tori-bot, but according to Akira Toriyama, you’re wrong!